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Class Spotlight!
Miss Kate's classes
We're learning so many great and fun things in our classes! Be sure to click on the Dance or Yoga tab to read our October lesson plans. They're a great way to keep you involved in all of our dancers and yogis learning!
Dance classes!

Favorite song: Let it Go (aka "Elsa!")

Favorite things to do in class: Toe taps, shuffles, twirls and prince/princess walks in ballet, somersaults on the mat, freeze dance!


Cutest things I've heard:

"Miss Kate, why is dance only on Tuesday? We should have it every day!" - Hannah

"I know ballet because I can twirl!" - Abbie

Yoga classes!

Favorite song: Let the Sunshine In (younger classes)- by Kira Willey

Favorite things to do in class: Sun Salutation, any animal pose because we get to make animal sounds! Our school age classes love the challenge of Crow pose.

They giggle when I call them "yogis."

Cutest things I've heard:

"Miss Kate, can you whisper in my ear how to say thank you to my friend for doing yoga with me? (Namaste)" - Emma

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